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Livability is the degree to which a place is good for living. Livability refers to the concerns that are related to the long-term wellbeing of individuals and communities.It encompasses factors like neighborhood amenities, including parks, open space, walkways, grocery shops and restaurants as well as environmental quality,good air quality, safety and health.

It also incorporates things like cost and friendliness. These features contribute to the pleasantness and accessibility of communities.Additionally, livability considers the availability and quality of public transport, educational institutions and healthcare facilities.

It also considers the overall cultural and social atmosphere of a place, including the presence of diverse recreational activities and community engagement opportunities. All these factors combined create an environment that enhances the overall quality of life for residents.Liveability for quality of life. How liveable a place is can indicate the quality of life of the people who live there. Liveable cities have access to clean, safe drinking water and the removal of wastewater (sanitation).

That means our health and wellbeing are being cared for in the places we live. Liveability is measured by quality-of-life factors, such as access to fresh water, food, housing, transport, health care, education, and a safe and stable built and natural environment.

Parameters & Features


An Air Quality Index (AQI) is an indicator developed by government agencies to communicate to the public to pollute air currently is or how polluted it is forecast to become.


Noise Pollution is caused by noisy machines, loudspeakers, vehicles, and other objects producing sound at high decibels. Even rock concerts are a cause of noise pollution.


These systems involve the installation of Solar Panels on rooftops of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. With net-metering policies and incentives.


Green Area help reduce negative impacts on the natural environment by using less water, energy, and other natural resources; employing renewable energy sources and eco-friendly materials; and reducing emissions and other waste.


Water Quality sensors are installed in the water sources being monitored. These sensors collect data on various parameters such as pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen levels.


A Waste Management system or waste disposal is a streamlined process that organizations use to dispose of, reduce, reuse, and prevent waste. It is also an approach where companies implement comprehensive strategies to efficiently manage wastes from their origin until their final disposal.

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